The Internet was once a space for true freedom of expression, a look into the untamed landscape of the human psyche, personal perspectives, and other various topics and mediums. Whether it be for academic purposes, informational, entertainment, experimental, artistic, pop-cultural, unusual interactive social games/events, "alternate reality games", and so much more, the Internet had always served as the unrestricted space for infinite potentialities and experiences.
However, in the rising movement of censorship and approval for commercial, "ad friendly" success, we the citizens of the World Wide Web have witnessed the steady declination of creativity, variety, and freeform expression. Most traffic online is now dedicated to a narrow select platforms, where users and creators are constantly penalized, and continuously censored with the content we share. And as creators, notable figures, and users face the problematic restrictions, threats of demonetization, and lack of support, the drain on expressive, creative passions, unique presentations, and explorations have nearly ceased.
Our mission at Wizi Social is to "bring back the Internet", establish a platform that reinstates the golden era of free speech, no censorship*, full creative capacity**, that is safe and secure, monetization that works for everyone***, all without sole reliance on AI management, and the troubles of attaining adequate support as with mainstream platforms.
It is the mission of our team to put the power of the Internet, BACK into its users, its citizens. Through sustained growth on the platform, Wizi can continuously innovate and expand our tools and features, breaking down the Potemkin Village that has become our dying online experience of current, where YOU the user and creator, can recapture and revolutionize the new, wild, untamed rabbit hole of the former greatness that was the content of the past.
Wizi wants YOU to free the Internet, reclaim the Internet.
*This refers to the unnecessary censorship, in regards to use of language, certain censored terminologies, disturbing or explicit imagery, discussions on abuse, suicide, etc. While Wizi Social strives to remove such restrictions, the implementation of such subjects must fit within the confines of approved context, such as art, film narrative, news, true crime documentaries, etc.
**Wizi seeks hugely to cultivate a strong, supportive environment for the online arts, and provide a platform that encourages creativity, creative content, and expansive growth fellowship between followers and creators. As Wizi seeks to create a supportive environment for reducing censorship and creative restrictions, all submissions to our site MUST abide by our legal Terms and Conditions for utilizing our platform. Violations are subject to deletion, suspensions, and permenant bans from Wizi Social.
***Our upcoming monetization program, seeks to advocate for the content creator, and reduce a lot of the complications from most other platforms, from the content's nature, certain copyright issues, use of coarse language, disturbing imagery, and the like. However, all content on Wizi will still be subjected to some review and approval based on participating 3rd party advertisers.